The Award Winning Supplier for Customised Museum Shop Products


The perfect start for an artist to be! Copy great masterworks by coloring between the lines. This pastime is not only for children but also for adults: the latest hobby trend. Sit back, color and relax.

Depending on the complexity of the available artworks the Lanzfeld design studio can help reduce images to a line drawing with planes to fill with color. Ten different images to complete, printed on sketching paper in a glue bound book with pictures of the original artworks as example on the back cover. This coloring book is in both square and rectangular shape available.

Call: +31 88 33 66 990
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Coloring Books
Square 5 plates
200 x 200 x 3 mm

Coloring Books
Square 10 plates
200 x 200 x 5 mm

Coloring Books
Rectangle 5 plates
200 x 145 x 3 mm

Coloring Books
Rectangle 10 plates
200 x 145 x 3 mm

Coloring Books
Rectangle 5 plates
290 x 200 x 3 mm

Coloring Books
Rectangle 10 plates
290 x 200 x 5 mm


Coloring Book
Coloring Book
Coloring Book
Coloring Book
Coloring Book
Coloring Book

Specifications​: 5/10 sheets = 10/20 pages

SQ, Paper cover with 5 coloring plates
RT, A5 Paper cover with 5 coloring plates
RT, A4 Paper cover with 5 coloring plates
SQ, Paper cover with 10 coloring plates
RT, A5 Paper cover with 10 coloring plates
RT, A4 Paper cover with 10 coloring plates


200 x 200 x 3 mm
200 x 145 x 3 mm
290 x 200 x 3 mm
200 x 200 x 5 mm
200 x 145 x 5 mm
290 x 200 x 5 mm

Min. Quantity​


Indicated delivery time​

2-4 weeks
2-4 weeks
2-4 weeks
2-4 weeks
2-4 weeks
2-4 weeks

Sketch Pads
Artist Journals
Exercise Books
Pocket Notes

Magnetic Items
Fridge Magnets
Fridge Magnets on Cards
Epoxy & Glass Magnets
Epoxy Magnet Sets
Flexible Magnets
Mini Magnet Sets
Solid Magnet Sets